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Grill Safety

5/22/2024 (Permalink)

Flames on an open grill Preparing your grill for cooking.

The summer kick off begins this weekend as family and friends gather together to fire up the grill and celebrate the Memorial Holiday Weekend. Grilling goes with Holidays in the summer, but it is important to follow safety guidelines to prevent any accidents.

Follow these essential grilling safety tips to ensure your holiday is a safe and fun time for you and your family.

  • Place your grill in a well-ventilated area on a solid surface at least 10 feet away from buildings, deck railings and overhanging tree branches.
  • Check your grill for any nests or debris and inspect your propane tanks for leaks.
  • Avoid loose clothing and long sleeve shirts.
  • Always open the lid to your grill before lighting to avoid gas buildup.
  • Never leave your grill unattended while in use and keep your children and pets a safe distance from your cooking area.

Wishing you a happy and safe Memorial Day Holiday!

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