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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration
Newberry County (803) 276-0290 - Laurens County (864) 833-4411

Hurricane Season is here!

7/11/2024 (Permalink)

Yellow Hurricane Season sign in front of storm clouds Hurricane Season Sign

Hurricane Season is here!

The hurricane season has officially begun, with Hurricane Beryl wreaking havoc across the Atlantic.

This is an extremely early occurrence for a major category 5 hurricane to hit this early in the season, but the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting an above-normal hurricane season. The month of May is declared National Hurricane Preparedness month. Families are encouraged to start planning for the season early. So, if you have yet to have a plan – the time is now!

  • Have a plan to evacuate – especially if you live near the coast.
  • Have your shelter plan in place and be ready to live without water – electricity, gas and phone service for a while.
  • Stay connected – sign up for emergency alerts and monitor local weather.
  • Gather emergency supplies – water- non-perishable food- daily medication – batteries and have a full tank of gas in your vehicle prior to a hurricane warning.
  • Secure your home by covering windows, removing patio and outside furniture toys.

The season is just beginning so making sure your family is prepared will be your first line of defense assuring your safety.

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