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Is HVAC Maintenance Important?

7/24/2024 (Permalink)

Maintenance person working on an HVAC unit Routine maintenance being completed on an HVAC unit.

Here in the South, we have experienced extremely hot temperatures over the past several weeks – with a heat index over 100 degrees. With the hot temperatures your HVAC unit is working overtime to keep you home cool.

Regular prevented maintenance is crucial to the health and efficiency of your system. Much like driving your car, would you continue to drive your car without changing the oil? Same concept. A trained technician will clean and evaluate your system to ensure it is operating efficiently. Costs will be lower and the quality of air your breath will be higher.

Having routine maintenance will reduce your annual cost of electricity and extend the life of your system. Change your filters inside your home monthly – make a reminder when you pay your monthly electric bill – it is time to change the filters. This will also help the efficiency of your HVAC unit and help control the dust and allergens inside your home.

Enjoy summer and make sure your HVAC unit will not leave you in the heat!

Hurricane Season is here!

7/11/2024 (Permalink)

Yellow Hurricane Season sign in front of storm clouds Hurricane Season Sign

Hurricane Season is here!

The hurricane season has officially begun, with Hurricane Beryl wreaking havoc across the Atlantic.

This is an extremely early occurrence for a major category 5 hurricane to hit this early in the season, but the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting an above-normal hurricane season. The month of May is declared National Hurricane Preparedness month. Families are encouraged to start planning for the season early. So, if you have yet to have a plan – the time is now!

  • Have a plan to evacuate – especially if you live near the coast.
  • Have your shelter plan in place and be ready to live without water – electricity, gas and phone service for a while.
  • Stay connected – sign up for emergency alerts and monitor local weather.
  • Gather emergency supplies – water- non-perishable food- daily medication – batteries and have a full tank of gas in your vehicle prior to a hurricane warning.
  • Secure your home by covering windows, removing patio and outside furniture toys.

The season is just beginning so making sure your family is prepared will be your first line of defense assuring your safety.

Fireworks and Safety    

7/3/2024 (Permalink)

Fireworks Display overlooking a city Fireworks over a city.

The 4th of July holiday is finally here - the time to spend with family and friends! Food and Fireworks are always a part of this special Holiday but let us all remember “Safety First” when it comes to fireworks.  Each year an average of 19,500 fires are started due to fireworks. That includes homes and forestry.  Drout conditions in our local area will also be a factor in this year’s event so take extra caution.

  • Keep a water hose or bucket of water nearby.
  • Never re-light or handle fireworks that are not functioning properly.
  • Keep children a safe distance from your fireworks displays and never let them handle them.
  • Keep your pets inside.
  • Never shoot fireworks near your home – use an open area around your home.

If you do not feel comfortable handing fireworks – then leave it to the professionals as there will be several events in your area that you can enjoy and save yourself some money too!

Have a safe and Happy 4th of July! 

Happy Birthday America!

Beating the Heat

7/1/2024 (Permalink)

Sun shining with a thermometer in the sky Thermometer indicating high temperature's.

As we approach the 4th of July Holiday where fireworks, grilling and outdoor activities are on the agenda, be sure to check your local weather for heat advisories for your local area. Extreme heat can be dangerous. Follow these tips to stay cool during your holiday celebrations.

  • Limit outdoor activities during the morning and evening hours.
  • Drink plenty of water – even if you are not thirsty. Lemon water helps to re-hydrate your body.
  • Wear lightweight, loose-fit clothing (avoid dark colors).
  • Leave blinds and curtains closed in your home.
  • Bring your pets inside if possible.
  • Avoid strenuous activities.
  • Stay indoors during the middle of the day when the temperature is at its highest – limit your exposure to the sun.
  • Pay attention to your body and know the symptoms – rest often in shady areas and use sunscreen with a SFP of 50 or higher.
  • Check on your neighbors, especially the elderly who may live alone or have medical conditions.

Summer Mold

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

Visible mold on walls Mold covering the corner walls

As the temperature begins to rise as summer is approaching – so is moisture and humidity. Mold thrives in moisture so keeping your home dry and lowering your humidity can help prevent mold spores from growing.


  • Keeping your home clean is essential – mold only needs moisture to grow. Keeping your surfaces clean prevents the mold from growing.
  • Control Humidity – Mold cannot grow without water, so controlling the humidity in your home is key! This is more difficult in the summer months, especially if you live in a high humidity area. Check your exhaust fans to ensure they are working properly and open your window while showering can help reduce moisture.
  • Keeping your home cooler in the summer months (low 70’s) can prevent mold from growing.
  • Check for any leaks.

Mold is silent and can go unseen, if you think you might have a mold problem, give us a call. We can evaluate your home for the potential of any mold growth.

Is Your Home Vacation Ready

5/30/2024 (Permalink)

Hat - luggage and camera on a beach Vacation ready with a Hat - Camera and luggage

The school year is ending – Summer is finally here, and the vacation planning has been in the works for months! An exciting time for your family but before you get to packing to leave your home to spend some quality time with your family and friends – Make sure you will have worry–free time away from your home. Taking the extra time to ensure your home is safe will be well worth it in the long run.

  • Check your gutters for any debris that could cause water damage.
  • Secure your outdoor furniture and put away any umbrellas, pool, and outside toys.
  • Turn your toilet valves OFF – and to be extra cautious turn the main water valve off to avoid water damage to your home while you are away.
  • Secure your windows and doors.
  • Recommendations are to unplug your TV and countertop appliances.
  • Turn your ice maker OFF at the valve behind your refrigerator.

Having a checklist and following these simple steps can set your mind at ease on vacation.

Grill Safety

5/22/2024 (Permalink)

Flames on an open grill Preparing your grill for cooking.

The summer kick off begins this weekend as family and friends gather together to fire up the grill and celebrate the Memorial Holiday Weekend. Grilling goes with Holidays in the summer, but it is important to follow safety guidelines to prevent any accidents.

Follow these essential grilling safety tips to ensure your holiday is a safe and fun time for you and your family.

  • Place your grill in a well-ventilated area on a solid surface at least 10 feet away from buildings, deck railings and overhanging tree branches.
  • Check your grill for any nests or debris and inspect your propane tanks for leaks.
  • Avoid loose clothing and long sleeve shirts.
  • Always open the lid to your grill before lighting to avoid gas buildup.
  • Never leave your grill unattended while in use and keep your children and pets a safe distance from your cooking area.

Wishing you a happy and safe Memorial Day Holiday!

May is Storm Month – Hurricane Preparedness

5/6/2024 (Permalink)

Hurricane Sign in the middle of clouds Now is the time to prepare for Hurricane Season

As we all start to gear up for the summertime season – it is also time to prepare for Hurricane Season. May 5 – 11 is National Hurricane Preparedness week. Experts are predicting an “Extremely Active” season – So now is the time to prepare!

  • Create an evacuation plan – our area may not be in the direct path of a hurricane, but it is still a good idea to have an evacuation plan especially if you have children in school. Review your plans with your family members and don’t forget your fur babies.
  • Build an emergency kit – Water – non-perishable food, battery powered radio and additional batteries. Flashlight and cell phone chargers along with additional charging stations in the evert you do not have power for an extended period of time. It is always a good idea to keep some cash on hand.
  • Stay Informed – Follow local news stations on social media and sign up for weather alerts in your area.

Fire Soot and Safety

4/25/2024 (Permalink)

Soot on walls after a kitchen fire Soot covering the walls in a home after a kitchen fire in Newberry, SC

No matter the size of a house fire, the soot residue can be visible to every inch of your home. Depending on the depth of the fire, no matter what you do to clean this on your own can be overwhelming. It is best to leave this to the professionals of SERVPRO. Soot, ash and char particles along with invisible chemical compounds can linger in your home from weeks to years!

Soot residue untreated or cleaned improperly can be inhaled in the lungs. Toxic particles can cause bronchitis, breathing issues and respiratory issues if not treated correctly. You can become nose blind to the smell but trust the professionals it is still there, and it is dangerous.

If you experience a house fire (even a small one) call the experts of SERVPRO of Newberry and Laurens Counties. We are trained in the soot removal and bringing your personal  items back to pre-fire conditions.

Protecting Your Investment – Tips from SERVPRO

4/16/2024 (Permalink)

Homeowner making a list of maintenance items Make your TO - DO list and check it twice!

Spring has officially arrived, and many homeowners find themselves outside planting flowers and getting their lawns looking beautiful for the season. But are you performing regular maintenance on your home? 

We have listed some preventative tips to help homeowners avoid some issues that could lead to calling us for SERVPRO services.

  • Clean gutters and downspouts. Clogged gutters can cause roof damage and eaves to rot.
  • Check for any signs of termites – they swarm and are visible in the Spring.
  • Inspect your roof for any missing shingles or damage that may have occurred during the winter.
  • Check Sprinkler and Irrigation Systems – walk your property, check all sprinkler heads, and adjust as needed.
  • Check your exterior doors and windows for any damage- replace weatherstripping if necessary.
  • Schedule an air conditioning service – do not wait until the temperatures reach their highest and you are left in the heat.
  • Change your air filters throughout your home.

SERVPRO of Newberry and Laurens Counties are here for you!